Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Flight from Amsterdam to Italy

Hello Amsterdam airport transits,

The trio were all freezing their ass off while it's 15 degree, 5:35am outside the Amsterdam airport.. As you can see below, the goldfish's trying hard not to hibernate at the back of the long walk, while the pirates standing by at the back of the cactus ninja looking out for any fat nose falling off from all those sneezing on board and then...

The pirate sings: it's a loooong, long way to the gaaate... and we are forced to walked sidewayyyyyys! - sing with me now - ooooh, the ninja cactus polpetta does not know how to rotate the pictures.

The goldfish sings along: "ooohh, this is the trip when we all (point at the waist) goooo sidewayyyy man..."

The ninja: I am not drinking Merlot.

The pirate says: why is Tron on the plane with us?
The goldfish replied: Huh, it's just the fat ninja's camera (shadow) wants to be in the shot.

The pirate says: are you pondering what I am pondering?
The goldfish says: yes who needs the face lifting cream when you can get the instant face lifting effects, the V-V Face, eco-friendly (REDUCE, recycle and reuse) style.
The ninja says: The same thing we do every night, Pinky—try to take over the world!

Some Alps.
Ice for my booze!
Sunflower seed bread with gouda cheese and strudel.

Lago di Bolsena.
Big lake huh.

The goldfish is delighted to see the roman sea.. *bloop* man i am thirsty again..
Sharks love fresh goldfish.

The pirate... walking toward her doom!
The goldfish don't dare to see...
The ninja remembers to walk behind them.

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